Simple Ways How to Build Practical Life Skills in Children

Building practical life skills in children is an important part of their development, as it teaches them valuable skills they will use throughout their lives. Here are some ways to build practical life skills in children.

How to Incorporate Life Skills in Homeschooling

Encourage independence

Let your child do things for themselves, such as getting dressed, brushing their teeth, washing their hands, cleaning their body, and combing their hair. Encourage them to take responsibility for their own belongings and to clean up after themselves. Here are some other ideas:

  • Putting on and taking off socks
  • Putting on and taking off shoes
  • Zipping and unzipping jackets
  • Buttoning and unbuttoning shirts or pants
  • Tying shoelaces or Velcro straps
  • Putting toys away in their designated places

Involve children in meal preparation

Let your child help with meal planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation. Teach them how to use kitchen tools safely and how to follow recipes. Here are other ideas:

  • Washing fruits and vegetables
  • Measuring ingredients for recipes
  • Stirring and mixing ingredients
  • Cutting soft fruits and vegetables with a plastic knife
  • Spreading butter or jam on bread

Teach basic cooking skills

Teach your child how to cook basic meals, such as scrambled eggs or pasta, and how to use kitchen appliances safely.

Teach basic household chores

Teach your child how to do age-appropriate chores, such as making their bed, washing dishes, and doing laundry. This will help them learn responsibility and how to take care of their home. Here are other ideas:

  • Helping to set the table for meals
  • Collecting and sorting mail
  • Taking out the trash with assistance
  • Wiping down tables and counters after meals
  • Sweeping floors with a child-sized broom
  • Dusting surfaces with a cloth
  • Sorting laundry by color

Teach basic first aid

Teach your child basic first aid skills, such as how to clean and bandage a cut or scrape, and what to do in case of an emergency.

Encourage outdoor activities

Outdoor activities, such as gardening, camping, and hiking, can teach children practical skills such as building a fire, pitching a tent, and identifying plants and animals.

  • Planting seeds or seedlings in a garden
  • Raking leaves with a child-sized rake
  • Watering outdoor plants with a hose
  • Helping to wash a car with soap and water
  • Picking up litter in a park or playground

Encourage community involvement

Encourage your child to get involved in their community by volunteering, participating in community events, and helping others in need. This will help them develop empathy and a sense of responsibility towards others.

Teach basic sewing skills

Teach your child basic sewing skills, such as how to sew on a button, mend a tear, or hem a pair of pants.

Teach basic financial skills

Teach your child basic financial skills, such as how to save money, make a budget, and count change. This will help them learn how to manage money and make responsible financial decisions. Other ideas include:

  • Sorting coins into different denominations
  • Counting money with a parent or caregiver
  • Learning the concept of saving money
  • Setting up a piggy bank or savings account
  • Going grocery shopping and learning to compare prices

Teach basic social skills

Teach your child basic social skills, such as how to introduce themselves, how to make conversation, and how to show empathy towards others.

  • Learning to speak clearly and enunciate words
  • Listening actively to others
  • Learning to ask questions to seek information
  • Practicing turn-taking during conversations
  • Learning to make eye contact during conversations
  • Learning to express emotions using “I” statements
  • Practicing deep breathing exercises when feeling overwhelmed
  • Recognizing and naming emotions in oneself and others
  • Sharing toys and taking turns with others
  • Asking for help when needed

Encourage time management

Teach your child how to manage their time effectively by creating a daily schedule, setting priorities, and breaking down tasks into manageable chunks.

Encourage reading and writing

Encourage your child to read and write on a regular basis, as these skills are essential for communication and lifelong learning.

Encourage creativity

Encourage your child to be creative by engaging in activities such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing music. This will help them develop their imagination and problem-solving skills.

Teach basic problem-solving skills

Teach your child how to identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and evaluate the best course of action.

Teach basic personal safety skills

Teach your child basic personal safety skills, such as how to cross the street safely, how to use public transportation, and how to navigate unfamiliar places.

Encourage physical fitness

Encourage your child to be physically active by engaging in activities such as sports, dancing, or stretches. This will help them develop strength, coordination, and self-confidence.

  • Practicing stretching exercises
  • Dancing to music or following along with an exercise video
  • Playing active games like tag or hide-and-seek
  • Learning to ride a bicycle
  • Going for nature walks or hikes with adult supervision

Teach basic self-defense

Teach your child basic self-defense skills, such as how to protect themselves from physical harm and what to do in case of an emergency.

Teach basic computer skills

Teach your child basic computer skills, such as how to use a keyboard and mouse, how to navigate the internet safely, and how to use basic software programs.

Teach basic car maintenance

Teach your child basic car maintenance skills, such as how to check and add oil, change a tire, and fill the windshield wiper fluid. This will help them learn how to take care of their vehicle and keep it running smoothly.

Teach basic home repair skills

Teach your child basic home repair skills, such as how to use tools safely, fix a leaky faucet, or replace a lightbulb. This will help them learn how to take care of their home and save money on repairs.


By teaching your child practical life skills, you can help them succeed in life. These skills are vital for personal growth and help them handle life’s challenges.

Read more: Ideas for Incorporating Life Skills in Homeschooling

For example, teaching your child time management helps them balance schoolwork, activities, and social life. Effective communication skills help them build relationships and resolve conflicts positively.

Instilling these skills and values helps your child now and in the future. They can grow into responsible and independent adults with the tools they need to achieve their goals and make a positive impact on the world.