Best Montessori Books for Parents and Homeschoolers

montessori books for homeschoolers

Here’s some of the best Montessori books for parents and homeschoolers. These books offer guidance and practical tips for incorporating Montessori principles into daily routines, creating a Montessori-inspired environment at home, and understanding the Montessori method. Perfect for those who are new to Montessori or those looking for new ideas to try at home.

Must-read Books about Montessori for Home Educators

1. The Montessori Toddler: A Parent’s Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being by Simone Davies

The Montessori Toddler is a practical guide for parents who want to incorporate Montessori principles into their daily routines. It provides tips and activities to promote independence, curiosity, and responsibility in young children. This book is an excellent resource for parents who want to create a Montessori-inspired environment at home. It includes activities for each age that makes a good starting point.

2. Montessori Madness! A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education by Trevor Eissler

Montessori Madness! is an enjoyable and compelling book that advocates for Montessori education. It explains the advantages of the Montessori approach over traditional education and how it fosters a positive attitude towards learning in children.

3. Understanding Montessori: A Guide for Parents by Maren Schmidt

Understanding Montessori is a concise and accessible guide for parents who want to learn about the Montessori method. It provides an overview of Montessori education, including the philosophy, principles, and materials used in the classroom. This book is a great starting point for parents who are new to Montessori education.

4. How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin

How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way is a helpful guide for parents who want to start implementing Montessori principles in their parenting. This book is great for parents who want to make their home an environment that encourages independence and love of learning.

5. Basic Montessori by David Gettman

Basic Montessori is an excellent resource for anyone interested in understanding the Montessori method and implementing it in a classroom or home setting. The book includes lesson presentations for practical life skills, sensorial activities, math, language, and cultural subjects. It also provides helpful insights into the philosophy and principles behind the Montessori approach.

6. Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Pre-School Years by Elizabeth G. Hainstock

Teaching Montessori in the Home is a practical guide to implementing the Montessori method in a home setting for preschool-age children. The book includes detailed lesson presentations for a wide variety of activities, including practical life skills, sensory experiences, and language development. This approach emphasizes the importance of following the child’s natural interests and abilities.


These Montessori books are wonderful resources for parents and homeschoolers seeking to integrate Montessori principles into their daily routines. Each book offers practical advice and activities to promote independence, curiosity, and responsibility in children.

I highly recommend these books to anyone interested in creating a Montessori-inspired environment at home or learning more about the Montessori philosophy. They have helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the principles behind the Montessori approach and have given me new ideas and inspiration as a Montessori mom.

Read more: Book Recommendations to Know More About Montessori and for Adults Guiding Older Children

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